can raking leaves cause sinus infection

It also affects the area around your eyes and face, and can cause a throbbing headache. The result? Here are 13 things that can cause an acute sinus infection (the most common type) and, in some cases, lead to a chronic sinus infection. How to handle a physician who doubts or dismisses your symptoms. All products and services featured are selected by our editors. Doctors explain how to tell if you have a head cold or something more serious that requires medical attention, such as the flu, strep throat, meningitis, or mono. Raking Leaves Can Cause Severe Symptoms. Dr. Sinha specializes in medical and surgical management of sinus problems. Rated 5.0 stars – based on 4 review Your sinuses are air-filled spaces that drain through your nose and throat. In some people, chronic sinusitis can be caused by an allergic reaction to a fungus. Outdoors, humidity levels also tend to be lower during fall and winter. How to Tell the Difference. and Neck Surgery, 5670 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd. Also in rare cases, sinus infections in the rear center of one’s head can spread into the brain. Diving into water can be a problem too. Surgery is used as a last resort or for severe infections. An air purifier may also reduce pollutants in the air. Autumn has arrived, and you can’t stop sneezing and sniffling. While it’s true that nasal decongestant sprays relieve congestion—they constrict the blood vessels in the nose—you should avoid prolonged use of over-the-counter nasal sprays, as they can make your symptoms worse if not used as directed. Tuesday : 8:30am–5pm The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments. this link is to an external site that may or may not meet accessibility guidelines. Think twice about jumping into a large pile of leaves if you have Fall allergies! Some people are allergic to mold, which triggers sinus problems for them. Corbis. RELATED: 10 Signs You Could Have a Sinus Infection. The best defenses against these sinus infections are the same things that protect against colds and the flu. The mucus can then get infected with viruses or bacteria, says Dr. Bains. The fungus, which is commonly found growing on dead leaves, compost piles and decaying vegetation, may trigger a relatively harmless allergic reaction but can cause … In fact, studies have shown that people with sinus infections who have allergies tend to have more extensive sinusitis, says Sonia Bains, MD, assistant professor in the Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Allergy, and Sleep Medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina. Sinus allergies can trigger sinus swelling and mucus buildup, which can lead to a sinus infection. Colds are caused by a virus, which can make nasal tissue swell, blocking the holes that normally drain sinuses. If you’re prone to sinus infections or congestion, avoid spending long periods in chlorinated pools, as chlorine can irritate your nasal lining and sinuses. About 37 million Americans suffer from sinusitis, an inflammation of the nasal sinuses commonly known as a sinus infection, each year and for many this is a chronic problem that can seriously affect the quality of your life. When the sinuses become inflamed, the glands in the sinus start secreting more mucus than normal, in an attempt to fight the allergen or virus. is part of the Meredith Health Group. Transmission rates also increase in cold, dry weather. Exposure to mold can also cause sinusitis. This usually occurs because of poor drainage combined with excess mucous production. Clearly, there are a lot of people suffering from and not getting their sinus infections resolved. See your doctor if you have fever, headache, and vision problems for more than 10 days. The more common cause of blood mixed mucus is infection of the respiratory tract. Only a few cases are caused by bacteria infecting the sinuses. Take a decongestant during a cold to avoid those circumstances. ", RELATED: Is It a Cold or Sinus Infection? If you do mow or rake, wear a mask to prevent breathing in mold and pollen. When left untreated or undiagnosed, sinus infections can cause further complications with the nose, eyes or middle ear, lasting for months or even years. Breathing in spores can aggravate asthma and cause heavy breathing, wheezing, and other upper respiratory symptoms in those with mold allergies. Atlanta sinus doctor, Dr. Pradeep K. Sinha, is Board Certified in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, the study of ear, nose and throat, as well as Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. It’s always best to get a proper diagnosis, so you can get the correct treatment. If your sinus infection, also called sinusitis, is caused by a virus, antibiotics won’t help since these drugs kill only bacteria. If you are allergic to the dust you will know it right away. RELATED: This Scary Condition Makes You Feel Like You're Suffocating—and It's Caused By Surgery. It stands to reason then, that there will be more cases of sinusitis as well. You may be at higher risk of sinus infections if you were born with a nasal abnormality or polyps, says Dr. Hueston. Start by drinking lots of water and avoiding caffeine, and use a humidifier to keep indoor air moist during the winter. In these cases, it's most likely Streptococcus pneumoniae or Haemophilus influenzae. Structural abnormalities can also be the cause of frequent sinus infections, such as: Nasal polyps – small, benign growths in the nasal passages will prevent the passage of mucus and obstruct natural drainage and airflow. In some cases, bacteria, or rarely fungus, may cause a sinus infection. Furthermore, indoor air tends to be drier—particularly during cold weather when the furnace is on. The pressure during a dive can push water into your sinuses and irritate and inflame the tissue. NE Suite 1280 , Atlanta When your immune system is vulnerable, fungi can grow, especially in damp and dark environments—aka your sinuses. But the cause of the blockage is sometimes trickier to figure out. When pain hits you right between the eyes and appears with sneezing or a stuffy nose, it could be due to a sinus allergy. All rights reserved. Ever since the weather turned cool, you can’t stop sniffling, sneezing and wheezing. On the surface of things, the cause of sinus trouble is clear. Stay in your living room and still spike your heart rate. Along with wheezing it can be due to allergy. He was one of the first ENT specialists trained in Balloon Sinuplasty™ over 10 years ago and has performed more balloon procedures than any other ENT doctor in the Georgia. Then gunk builds up in your sinuses, germs may grow, and you feel, well, hideous. Simple viral infections or irritation from dust or smoking can sometimes lead to a secondary bacterial sinus infection (which then requires antibiotics). Here’s what can happen when a person Continue reading How to rake when you’re prone to sinus infections → An infected tooth or fungal infection can also occasionally cause the sinuses to become inflamed. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. As mold particle counts climb higher, they become increasingly irritating to people with allergies, worsening allergy symptoms. Friday : 8:30am–2pm What causes sinusitis? Keep leaves, grass and yard clippings, and compost away from your house to reduce the number of mold spores that can enter your house. Allergies can be the cause of sinus pressure if the mucus doe not flow freely. A single plant can produce up to 1 billion pollen grains, with each grain potentially traveling up to 700 miles in the wind. While sinusitis can occur year-round, it is most prevalent during fall and winter. Bacterial infections rarely cause sinus infections, but they are almost always the cause of complicating, secondary infections, says William J. Hueston, MD, professor and chair of the Department of Family Medicine at the Medical University of South Carolina, in Charleston. Whether your sinusitis symptoms are seasonal or last throughout the year, the Sinus Institute of Atlanta has testing and treatment services available for patients of all ages. The Content is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Most sinus infections start with a cold. If you have tested positive to fungal allergies, this means that mold in your nose can cause white blood cells to react to kill the fungus in the sinus lining. The simplest explanation is that the most common causes of sinusitis—allergies, colds and flu—are very prevalent this time of year. Sunday : Closed, Phone : 404-257-7412 It can stir agitating pollen and mold into the air, causing allergy and asthma symptoms. Lastly, if your sinus problems keep coming back, you can ask your doctor about the pros and cons of surgery to clean and drain the sinuses. Read the Reviews, © 2019 Sinus Institute Of Atlanta | 5670 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd NE Suite 1280, Atlanta, GA 30342 | Phone: 404-257-7412, SiteMap | Privacy Policy | Medical Disclaimer, Complete Guide To Non Surgical Balloon Sinuplasty, A Complete Guide to Endoscopic Sinus Surgery. Raking or moving leaves can stir up resting pollen and mold. Another common misconception is that sinus infections are not caused mold, but rather bacteria. A pit then forms in the sinus lining, trapping mucus and blocking it from draining properly. One of the most common activities in autumn—raking leaves—can stir up ragweed pollen that has settled on the dead leaves, increasing exposure. Other causes include other types of viruses, bacterial infections, environmental allergies (like hay fever), and fungal infections. RELATED: 10 Signs You Could Have a Sinus Infection. Narrow drainage passages, tumors, or a cleft palate can block openings in the sinus, preventing mucus drainage. A deviated septum—when the center section of the nose is shifted to one side—is often associated with chronic sinus infections, as are enlarged adenoids, tissue masses in the passage between the throat and nasal cavity that trap and destroy germs. Viruses cause 9 out of 10 sinus infections in adults, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. If you’re congested or suffer from frequent sinus infections but can’t miss your flight, use a decongestant nasal drop or inhaler before takeoff to keep your sinuses clear. Here are 13 things that can cause an acute sinus infection. RELATED: 11 Reasons You Have a Stuffy Nose–and What to Do About It. Fungus May Be Cauing Your Sinus Infections–Here’s What Can Help. This fall and winter, if you do start to feel sinus pain or pressure, the first and most important step to take is to get a proper diagnosis. Avoid these irritants as much as possible to reduce the occurrence of sinus infections, particularly if you suffer from allergies or asthma. Allergens and pollutants in the air—like dust, outdoor air pollution, and strong odors like perfume—may contribute to coughing, irritate your nose, and cause inflammation that can increase your risk of sinusitis, according to Dr. Bains. But for allergy sufferers, raking presents its own problem. In most cases, sinusitis is easily treatable with medical therapy. RELATED: What You Need to Know About Viral vs. Bacterial Pneumonia. … We're loving their inspirational, body-positive messages. The extra mucus, along with the swelling, blocks the nasal passageways and prevents the mucus from draining out of the sinus cavities like it should. The hoarseness is likely to be due to involvement of larynx. It thrives throughout the South, and can be found growing in open fields, vacant lots and along highways and city streets. If you suspect you have a sinus infection or if you have recurring symptoms, give the Sinus Institute of Atlanta a call at (404) 257-7512 to request an office consultation with Dr. Sinha. Upsides. Because inflammation can block the nasal passages and prevent draining, allergies are often associated with sinus infections. GA 30342, Monday : 8:30am–5pm May be used as a treatment for urinary tract infections or at a lower dosage to reduce the recurrence of urinary tract infections. When you do not have fever, tiredness, or fatigue, it may not be there. Sinus infections are caused when the cavities around your nasal passages become inflamed and swollen, which eventually interferes with drainage and causes mucus to build up. As such these types of sinus infection can be effectively treated with antibiotics. Fall Allergies and Sinusitis. Chronic conditions, such as cystic fibrosis and other disorders that weaken your immune system, can lead to inflammation in the airways and make you prone to developing thick mucus. Young children, older adults and people who have asthma, lung disease or heart disease are especially vulnerable to these chemicals. Treatment results may vary from person to person.This site uses models and stock photography for the banners and backgrounds. This, along with the colder temperatures outside, are ideal conditions for the viability and replication of cold and influenza viruses, which best survive in low humidity, low temperature conditions. Wednesday : 8:30am–5pm It could aggravate your sinuses. The first culprit—allergies—can obviously be a year-round problem. In 2012, I published a post titled “When a “Sinus Infection” is a Neck Problem.” To date that post has been viewed 70 thousand times and has 300 comments. © Copyright 2020 Meredith Corporation. Many feel that raking is a necessity in order to preserve their lawn, but for those with mold and pollen allergies, raking leaves can actually make your symptoms worse. Sound familiar? Other conditions such as allergies, nasal polyps, and tooth infections can also contribute to sinus pain and symptoms. These bacteria lurk in healthy people; they’re waiting for the right circumstances to grow. The symptoms of anxiety can be hard to detect. Polyps themselves may exist as a result of a former sinus infection which caused an overgrowth of the nasal membrane. 2. Fallen leaves often sit in yards or are raked into piles, allowing moisture to accumulate, which accelerates mold growth. All before and after photos are actual patients of Dr. Pradeep Sinha. Dry indoor air dehydrates the mucus membranes inside the nasal passages, which can lead to inflammation and an infection. Therefore, doctors recommend you keep your nose as moist as possible. Not only that, your nose is stuffed up and runny, and you’ve been feeling a constant, dull pain just above your nose and between your eyes. Common irritants like cigarette smoke can trigger the disease, as well as deviated septums or persistent viral infections. If you are prone to sinus infections and want to reduce them, beware of the outside fall chores! What makes autumn such a tough time for allergy sufferers is this is prime time for two of the most troublesome allergens: ragweed pollen and molds. "I'm petrified," the actress said when she shared the news that her breast cancer came back. Several common bacterial or viral infection can cause it. Cut back any trees and/or brush that are close … Fall has arrived, and while you may enjoy the beautiful foliage and pleasant, crisp evenings, you don’t feel so well. Clean out expired products and clutter to make way for a healthier you. Treatments may include surgery to remove the fungi, antifungal therapy, or scraping the infected sinus. Offers may be subject to change without notice. Surgery may be necessary to correct these abnormalities. Raking- the worst kind of chore for the chronic sinus sufferer. If a cold does not resolve in 10 to 15 days, bacteria may have joined the party. This material is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Here are the ones you need to pay attention to, and how to know if you may have an anxiety disorder. Email : Incidences of the cold and flu increase in fall and winter, in part, because people spend more time indoors. When mucus is trapped in the nasal passages for long periods of time, it can lose water and thicken. Sinusitis is usually the result of a cold or flu virus spreading to the sinuses from the upper airways. And if any element of the immune response is damaged by genetic defect, infection, injury or other insult, the entire barrier can become ineffective, giving way to inflammation. Nasal polyps are small, benign growths that develop from nose or sinus tissues and can cause the sinus cavities to become blocked, preventing mucus from draining and causing sinus infection. There are multiple reasons why sinus infections are more common in fall and winter. These little gems can also restrict airway passages, which can in turn trigger headaches. If so, you may have a sinus infection, known medically as “rhinosinusitis” or simply “sinusitis.” Experts estimate that 37 million Americans are afflicted with sinusitis each year, making it one of the most common health conditions in the United States. Data sources include IBM Watson Micromedex (updated 7 Dec 2020), Cerner Multum™ (updated 4 Dec 2020), … Otolaryngology-Head Chronic allergies can cause long-term swollen and scarred areas of the nasal passages and polyps, according to Dr. Hueston. Your symptoms will probably get better after about a week or so. Like air pollutants, cigarette and cigar smoke can also irritate your nose and cause inflammation, thereby making you more susceptible to sinus infections. RELATED: 10 Products to Help You Find Sinus Relief. Sinusitis is caused by an inflammation, or swelling, of the tissue lining of the sinuses. Bacteria and viruses are the most common causes of sinus infections, but in rare cases, fungi may be responsible for some infections. Raking and even playing in the leaves can agitate these allergens and release them into the air. may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. Mold can trigger troublesome symptoms for … But the primary culprit in the ever-so-common annual sinus infection is seasonal allergies. When the air pressure is reduced in-flight, it can cause pressure to build up in your head, which in turn can block your sinuses and air passages and aggravate cold symptoms. Similar Posts: Back-to-School Allergy Tips; Do I Have Fall Allergies or a Sinus Infection? Raking- the worst kind of chore for the chronic sinus sufferer Sinus infections are awful! This thicker mucus, or an impaired ability to fight germs due to diabetes or HIV infection, can set the stage for sinus infections. If you are prone to sinus infections and want to reduce them, beware of the outside fall chores! According to the Mayo Clinic, the most frequent cause is the common cold. If you do develop bacterial sinusitis, you can treat it with antibiotics. Travel a lot for work or pleasure? The most common fungus associated with sinusitis is Aspergillus. A decongestant can help, but don’t use it for more than four or five days to avoid becoming dependent. The occasional use of nasal irrigation treatments, like saline sprays, may also help treat or prevent sinusitis symptoms. As a result, prolonged use of OTC nasal sprays can lead to dependency, adds Dr. Hueston, who recommends that people who use sprays to treat cold symptoms stop after four or five days. In the fall, outdoor mold levels are often at their highest. The scraping and raking of leaves stirs up dirt, dust, mold, and pollen into the air. From easier cramps to a heavier flow, here's a guide on what to expect decade by decade. Teeny holes that connect your nasal passages to your sinuses (basically a collection of hollow, moist cavities that lurk beneath your nose, eyes, and cheeks) get blocked. Mold can be almost anywhere outdoors: in the soil, compost piles, rotting wood and plants. Prescription or over-the-counter antihistamines and prescription nasal sprays can reduce chronic inflammation in the sinuses and nasal lining. "People who smoke may be at higher risk [of sinus infections], because their natural sinus-cleaning system is damaged by cigarette smoke," says Dr. Hueston. RELATED: 7 Signs You Have Allergies—and Not Just a Cold. Most cases of sinus infection are caused by bacteria. How to Tell the Difference. Ragweed is notorious for causing severe allergic reactions. provides accurate and independent information on more than 24,000 prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines and natural products. If you use sprays for an extended period of time, you can become less sensitive to their effects so that your nose becomes swollen again, a condition known as rebound nasal congestion, says Dr. Bains. This is particularly problematic during takeoff and landing. Sinus Infections can be extremely frustrating and at times difficult to resolve. To know more about Pradeep K. Sinha -- Click Here, You may follow Pradeep K. Sinha on Facebook: Pradeep K. Sinha and on Twitter: @Dr. Sinha, Where Did You Hear About Us?GoogleBingYahooSocial MediaReferralRadioWSB TVCBS TVHealth FairAtlanta and CompanyOther, 5670 Peachtree Dunwoody Rd, NE Suite 1280 , Atlanta, GA 30342 | Call +1- 404-257-7412, Board Certified in Is Your Doctor Gaslighting You? You may be suffering from allergic rhinitis or hay fever. Nitrofurantoin is effective for treating certain gram-negative and gram-positive urinary tract infections, such as those due to Escherichia coli, Enterococci, Staphylococcus aureus and susceptible strains of Klebsiella and Enterobacter. Sinus infections, the cause of untold misery, strike about 37 million people in the U.S. each year. Inside homes, schools, stores and businesses, the air is recycled and people are in closer contact with each other, allowing contagious diseases to easily spread. Here's why a stage 4 breast cancer diagnosis can be so frightening. Damp leaves can cause asthma, bronchitis, itchy eyes, headaches and runny noses in about 15 percent of the population who are prone to these types of allergic reactions, according to SIU Online. Sinus infection-sinusitis- and the post nasal drip connection Another common post-nasal drip cause is sinusitis, which may start with sinus pressure. If you have to tidy up the yard, be sure to wear a painter’s mask to prevent inhalation of … This can lead to life-threatening conditions like meningitis or brain abscess, Dr. Sindwani says. In other words, get a flu shot, wash your hands, and don’t chill with the visibly ill. RELATED: 11 Signs It's More Serious Than the Common Cold. It worsens symptoms and makes sinusitis more likely. When left untreated or undiagnosed, sinus infections can cause further complications with the nose, eyes or middle ear, lasting for months or even years. The small quantity of bacteria that normally live inside the nose become trapped inside the nasal cavities, the whole time multiplying rapidly. Sinus infections, the cause of untold misery, strike about 37 million people in the U.S. each year. In Georgia, ragweed pollinates from late summer through November. ... such as the N95 mask, when raking leaves, gardening, ... itchy eyes, and sinus decongestion. "Allergies can block normal sinus drainage and predispose a person to developing sinus infections," Stankiewicz says. Polyps are treated with nasal steroid sprays or a short course of oral steroids, and if steroid treatments don’t work, surgery may be necessary. "Raking leaves and leaves coming down releases all of that in the outside environment," Ginn explained. Here are 13 things that can cause an acute sinus infection (the most common type) and, in some cases, lead to a chronic sinus infection. This inflammation is most commonly triggered by allergies or a bout with the common cold or influenza (flu). Decaying vegetation from summer gardens can also become mold “hot spots.” The mold spores float in the air, much like pollen. Thursday : 8:30am–5pm If you suspect you have a sinus infection or if you have recurring symptoms, give the Sinus Institute of Atlanta a call at (404) 257-7512 to request an office consultation with Dr. Sinha. Seasonal allergies are another major cause of sinus inflammation. Many disease pathways can lead to sinusitis. If you’re prone to allergies or hay fever, avoid things that trigger allergic reactions, such as dust mites, pet dander, mold, and cockroaches. If you are suffering from asthma and allergy symptoms, see a board-certified allergist so you can be properly diagnosed and treated. "Fungi are very unusual causes of sinus infections," says Dr. Hueston. Saturday : Closed Sinus infections are awful! "So they accumulate more ‘junk’ in the sinuses, which can clog passages when they have a cold. Many people mistakenly assume they just have seasonal allergies and treat their symptoms with over-the-counter antihistamines, or they think they just have a cold which will go away by itself, when actually what they have has turned into a full-blown sinus infection. People with nasal polyps often have a decreased sense of smell. By Dr. Joseph Mercola with Rachael Droege . Autumn causes the leaves to fall from trees, and mold grows on the decomposing plant matter. * Pesky Leaves - Some folks might find it difficult to keep up with raking leaves throughout the autumn. This tends to get annoying, because it makes breathing through the nose difficult. There are two groups of fungi that can cause these fungal sinus infections: Aspergillus species and fungi in the Mucormycosis family. While fungal sinus infections can occur in healthy individuals, they are most common in people with weakened immune systems. Here’s what can happen when a person who is prone to sinusitis dutifully rakes up those leaves. Credit: Fungal infections of the sinus cavity are very rare. Fungal sinus infection or Fungal sinusitis tends to go overlooked as a cause of sinusitis, partly because of the rarity of fungal sinus infections. Flu virus spreading to the dust you will know it right away: what you Need know! Medical advice, diagnosis, so you can be properly diagnosed and treated is infection of the blockage sometimes! For a healthier you include other types of sinus infections, the of. For a healthier you, hideous infection of the tissue or influenza ( )! Condition makes you feel like you 're Suffocating—and it 's most likely Streptococcus or! 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