medical medium b12

This residue can become a cage on the outside of our soul disconnecting us from ourselves, or how we feel about others. The pectin in apples enters the intestinal tract and binds onto any mold spores that may be on the inside lining, grabbing onto them and pulling them out of the body. Emotional injury can make someone very sensitive, especially if it is repeated. Hello and welcome to the Medical Medium Podcasts information section of Brain fog can get in the way of work, relationships, everyday life, and can cause someone to question themselves and lose their confidence. Most layered dips contain dairy, harmful .. - Anthony William, Inc. - Disclaimer for Medical Medium Blog, This blog, its content and any linked material are presented for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or prescribing. For many, mold exposure is the last straw that broke the camel’s back. How Anxiety Relates to Existing Health Conditions. Is caffeine helping or worsening your brain fog? We can feel like a great weight is upon us, holding us down from flying free and living the life we strive for. They also allow information to travel throughout your body so it can keep itself in balance no matter what’s occurring. This item posted: 06-Oct-2020 - Disclaimer, Anthony William, Inc. - Disclaimer for Medical Medium Blog, This blog, its content and any linked material are presented for informational purposes only and are not a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or prescribing. Anxiety can be different f.. - With the right tools and information, you can take control of your health, support your immune system as it battles the true cause of why you are sick, and no longer allow mold to run your life. Wh.. - As we run from mold, let’s remember not to let it run us off the cliff, we’re better where we are, try to keep your feet on the ground, you can beat mold in many ways and still be safe and sound. Adenosylcobalamin is good for the central nervous system, spleen, pancreas, liver, and endocrine system. Find out more about how anxiety relates to existing health symptoms and conditions in this podcast episode. It’s one of the greatest healing tonics of all time. An important step in healing brain fog is to work on killing off viruses in the body. We’re often told we get our B12 from meat, chicken, lamb, turkey, milk, eggs, cheese, pork, butter, salmon, crab, shrimp, clams and oysters. The sensation of anxiety is caused by phrenic and vagus nerves being inflamed which can also result in aches and pains and dizziness someone with fibromyalgia or multiple sclerosis live with. You can learn more about this in Thyroid Healing. I unveil how certain foods can be a trigger for neurological symptoms, and how we can easily replace these foods so we can move forward with our healing. While you are bringing in these healing foods, consider reducing foods high in fat, such as meat, chicken, fish, nuts, nut butters, seeds, coconut oil, avocado, oils, and soy; keep these foods to once per day, versus two or three times a day. Feeding your body glucose, mineral salts, the right supplements, and a huge dose of self-compassion can move you forward towards greater health and vitality for your nervous system, brain and body as a whole. This item posted: 19-Oct-2020 - Disclaimer. In addition to the wealth of micronutrients, Cheddar is also one of the best dietary sources of protein. It does always take at least one of these two causes.). Many people have to live their life around anxiety. When apple cider vinegar enters the body, it suppresses the appetite by sucking the water out of the cells of the stomach lining. If hydrochloric acid levels are out of balance or low, your food won’t be sufficiently digested in your stomach. This item posted: 09-Nov-2020 - Disclaimer. An acne compress – made with hot water and apple cider vinegar on a face towel – is another great way to use apple cider vinegar topically. Costa Mesa IV hydration clinic offering IV vitamin therapy & vitamin injections for energy, weight loss, immune support, glowing skin & hangover relief. Your body is loyal to you. Our bodies do this by means of special microorganisms I call elevated biotics. Consuming apple cider vinegar has become a popular trend in the health world. Further, it won’t dehydrate your organs—instead, it clings to toxic, dangerous salts from poor-quality foods and helps draw them out of your body while replacing them with undiscovered cluster salts. These, and many more mystery symptoms, are connected to neurological and central nervous system issues. It’s about doing everything in your power to strengthen and fortify it, and this can be done! All animals create their own B12, every species on the planet creates their own specific form of B12 for their needs, but our bodies don’t utilize animal sources of B12. If you’re worried that the sodium in celery is a problem because you’ve heard that “salt is salt,” know that the sodium in celery is not just salt or the basic mineral sodium. This can lead to anxiety, ranging from mild to even severe. Brain fog can get in the way of work, relationships, everyday life, and can cause someone to question themselves and lose t.. - Neither Anthony William nor Anthony William, Inc. is a medical doctor or other licensed healthcare practitioner or provider. This callus is made out of injured brain tissue from the intense heat, which becomes scar tissue. Here’s where our heroic celery juice comes in: It effectively rebuilds the stomach’s complex balance and supply of hydrochloric acid. A large amount of neurological problems are caused by Epstein-Barr, shingles and its many strains that have yet to even be discovered. Consume within one hour for quick brain fog relief. It’s not that your body created antibodies that are attacking your thyroid gland. Careers. Drinking straight celery juice is another powerhouse addition to include daily. Imperial Tobacco Canada is Canada's Leading Tobacco Company. It’s a common food, that has been taken for granted for decades. Other symptoms linked to the vagus nerve include weakness of the limbs, a fluttering heart, issues with swallowing, or trouble taking a deep breath. It rules their every waking moment and can determine what they’re going to be able to accomplish in a day. We’ll get to more tips in a moment. Once the stomach glands wear out as the months or years go by, depending on how much vinegar use occurs, or what condition the person’s stomach glands are in, the stomach glands can lose their ability to make more HCL, which can worsen digestion issues and cause bloating. Learn more about how the immune system battles mold exposure in this podcast episode. When you practice flying free, nothing can hold you down, or get in your soul’s way. They’re also .. - Mold rarely enters the brain because our body’s immune system uses every last immune cell to stop it from happening. Your difference could make all the difference. Someone can experience milder symptoms from neurological fatigue also. Anyone going through this needs every edge they can get in their favor to battle this condition and bring about peace and safety. When you eat, food quickly travels down to your stomach to be digested with the help of hydrochloric acid. Do you struggle with tingles and numbness, tics and spasms, tinnitus, vibrations, eye floaters, body pain, vertigo, burning skin, anxiety, tightness of the chest, brain fog, and dizziness? - Disclaimer - Privacy Policy - Terms of Use. Food-borne toxins (Includes many uncatalogu.. Thyroid Healing: The Truth behind Hashimoto’s, Graves’, Insomnia, Hypothyroidism, Thyroid Nodules & Epstein-Barr, MM900HDS Omega Low Speed Masticating Celery Juicer, True Cause of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), Troublemakers That Make Us Sick - Petrochemicals, Troublemakers That Make Us Sick - Chemical Neuroantagonists, Troublemakers That Make Us Sick - Bacteria & Other Microbes. If you would like to communicate with us, please visit our website at These results do not necessarily mean that the B12 in your body is usable and being absorbed where it needs to in the body. Celery juice is herbal medicine, and consuming sixteen to thirty-two ounces of celery juice every morning can help move the needle when you’re suffering with brain fog. Please note that apple cider vinegar will not kill bacteria and should not be used in place of peroxide on surface wounds. Unlike factory-produced products like probiotics, kefir, kombucha tea, sauerkraut, and soil borne microorganisms, elevated biotics are able to survive the digestive process and make it to the ileum, where they excrete the co-enzyme B12, in its purest form, and send it through the hepatic portal highway into the liver. One example of repetitive emotional injury is a relationship where a couple breaks up, gets back together and heals the wounds, and then breaks up again, repeating this cycle over and over. Shakshuka is a Tunisian and Middle Eastern recipe of onions and tomatoes simmered with spices that usually contains poached or baked eggs. Layers of queso, salsa, guacamole, and refried beans make this dip a showstopper. You can find the highest quality supplements in the supplement directory on my website at Calcium—Women over age 50 need 1,200 mg (milligrams) each day. Vitamin B12 levels start to drop within months of cutting out meat. Toxic heavy metals and toxins are a second cause. B12 deficiency is an epidemic and growing at an alarming speed, without us realizing it. Chances are, once you go looking for mold, you will find some, whether it’s just little bits of black mold on the grout in the shower, or a serious mold problem elsewhere in the home or workplace. The content of this blog and any linked material does not necessarily reflect the opinions of Anthony William, Inc. or the principal author and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or up-to-date. It requires a certain mindset to be able to live your life and at the same time, live with the mold around you. Men need 1,000 mg between age 51 and 70 and 1,200 mg after 70, but not more than 2,000 mg a day. Potatoes are high in Zinc and L-Lysine which are antiviral compounds and critical in stopping viruses, the very thing behind lupus, multiple sclerosis (MS), rheumatoid arthritis, neurological Lyme disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, Reynaud’s syndrome, vertigo, POTS, endometriosis, PCOS, fibroids, and so much more. Each of these three recipes has a mustard flavor and consistency that is unique from the others. Similar though mistaken concepts are often referred to as “leaky gut syndrome” or “intestinal permeability.”). These subgroups of sodium bond together as one and are infused with celery’s other critical chemical compounds and information that’s highly active in healing the body. Either way, if you are suffering with a health symptom of any kind, it would be beneficial to evaluate the health of your liver and how it may be affecting your well-being. This stir-fry comes together easily and quickly so you can sit d.. - Learn how to use fruit as a healing tool, and tips for fruit consumption, What happens when we have toxic heavy metals in our brain and how this can result in potential memory issues, Learn more about toxic heavy metals, such as mercury, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, copper, and lead, and how we get them in our bodies through exposure without being aware of it. If we’re sick, and not feeling well, and are living with symptoms, this is a chance to elevate above it, while we’re working on healing. The brain draws up precious mineral salt compounds from cilantro with a surprise package.. - To learn more, listen to this podcast episode. This item posted: 11-Oct-2020 - Disclaimer. The symptoms can be frustratingly inconsistent, and well-meaning practitioners can sometimes misread the signs your body is displaying and prescribe an ineffective protocol. This article may contain links to other resources on the Internet. Oral vitamin B12 versus intramuscular vitamin B12 for vitamin B12 deficiency: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. That means the food won’t break down enough for your cells to access the nutrients, and instead the food will just sit there and rot, causing bad acids to develop. One main reason someone may have a B12 deficiency is the lack of elevated biotics in their diet. This item posted: 31-Oct-2020 - Disclaimer. Make sure it’s fresh, plain celery juice with no other ingredients. That means your brain and nervous system run on naturally salty vegetables and the glucose from fruits! Which brings us back to why celery juice is such a big deal. As you get used to it, keep increasing the ratio of celery; the greatest benefits come when celery juice is consumed on its own. Microcytic anemia occurs when the body does not get enough oxygen and cannot provide enough energy to all organs and tissues, causing pale skin and irritability. These symptoms, and the conditions that can be diagnosed alongside them, are caused by viruses and toxic heavy metals, more about this here in this podcast episode. In today’s world, eggs are considered a household staple. This can explain why several family members or co-workers may not fall ill from mold exposure, while another can be left bedridden with severe fatigue, body aches and pains, bloating, vertigo, tinnitus, burning skin, tightness of the chest, anxiety or depression. For a reader-friendly overview of Vitamin B12, see our consumer fact sheet on Vitamin B12.. Introduction. Although we can hear the word “acid” and think “bad,” gastric acids, including hydrochloric acid, are critical, helpful acids, not to be confused with having an acidic digestive system, which is detrimental to health. It’s a fantastic cake to serve to at social gatherings when you want a healthy option that looks truly beautiful. It’s also an overall hormonal balancer and supports the entire endocrine system in hormone output. As with apple cider vinegar, we have learned that this isn’t always the case, and sometimes problems take time to show up in the body. When acetic acid encounters salt in the body, a chemical reaction occurs and this can result in chronic dehydration. Celery’s naturally occurring sodium actually helps stabilize blood pressure, bringing it down when it’s too high and up when it’s too low. In the case of an acute vitamin B12 deficiency or obvious deficiency symptoms, vitamin B12 treatment is recommended as an initial therapy to quickly raise blood levels and replenish the body’s stores.. Neurotoxins create neurological symptoms, including burning skin, twitches, tremors, spasms, cold hands and feet, balance issues, vertigo, erratic heartbeat, insomnia, and body jerks, that confound doctors. What started as an easy way for families to cover bad smells.. - When your life is in imminent danger, your fear triggers a fight-or-flight response that floods your body with adrenaline, so that you can respond to the threat. Medical research and science have not yet discovered the different varieties of sodium in celery, nor how beneficial they are. This process can allow someone to feel like they are digesting better and can even relieve bloating for some people, but this is a temporary reaction. If you want to win the brain fog war, you have to know the true cause. Another cause of brain fog is toxic heavy metals in the body, such as mercury, aluminum, cadmium, arsenic, nickel, copper, and lead. Anemia (American Society of Clinical Oncology); Blood and Bone Marrow Transplant? The Medical Medium Kale Stem Ginger Honey Elixir is another incredible healing tool that may provide quick relief for brain fog, and help someone get out of a jam while they’re working on their healing. You will likely want to make this recipe ove.. - (More on the true cause of autoimmune conditions soon.) These links are provided as citations and aids to help you identify and locate other Internet resources that may be of interest, and are not intended to state or imply that Anthony William, Inc. or the principal author recommends, endorses, supports, sponsors, or is in any way affiliated or associated with any person or entity associated with the linked material, or is legally authorized to use any trade name, registered trademark, logo, legal or official seal, or copyrighted symbol that may be reflected in the linked material. Medical research and science is unaware that viruses need to eat to survive, and that they enjoy certain foods we eat, such as eggs, gluten, and dairy, and toxins we have in our bodies, such as toxic heavy metals, pesticides, and fungicides. We tend to hold a lot of fear in our guts. This meditation provides an escape from the very difficult emotional challenges we’re facing every day, and within ourselves, so we can gain clarity and lift the residue off our soul. It is one of eight B vitamins.It is a cofactor in DNA synthesis, and in both fatty acid and amino acid metabolism. It rules their every waking moment and can determine what they’re going to be able to accomplish in a day. If it feels like a struggle forcing your legs to walk, your head feels heavy and foggy, or just crawling out of bed and standing up seems impossible, then you might be experiencing neurological fatigue which can come with Epstein-Barr virus and is a serious type of chronic fatigue. But having these elevated microorganisms is another story, most everybody is lacking these, and are not producing their own B12, and instead relying on sources like animal products. Once a virus eliminates a neurotoxin, it then makes its way into the bloodstream and up to the brain. Why high-fat diets can diminish B12 reserves, Learn more about how apple cider vinegar can affect teeth, Find out more about alkalinity in the body, How vinegar can preserve toxins in the body, Neurological symptoms will be described so you can learn how to identify them easily and understand the true cause of why we can experience these symptoms, With this information, you will be able to relate and identify with the kind of neurological symptoms you have. PREVENTING AMMONIA PERMEABILITY, A MAJOR UNKNOWN CAUSE OF ILL HEALTH. Celery is perfect for reversing inflammation, because it starves the pathogens, including unproductive bacteria and viruses such as Epstein-Barr (EBV), that create it. This built-in safety mechanism keeps a part of you safe and protected, so when you’re pushed to the max, emotionally injured, and even feel hopeless, you can’t completely lose your soul because part of it is being safely kept. Panic attacks – what is the reason behind them? Heavy metals are what block and destroy both the stream and the pulsing energy running through it. Eventually, research will reveal that these cluster salts work symbiotically and systematically to flush out toxins, dead pathogens such as viruses and bacteria, and pathogenic neurotoxins and debris from every crevice of the body. VitaminVape 4.5 / 5 , 203 This corrosion starts to spread into other tissue in the brain, and can worsen brain fog as the years go by, potentially resulting in impaired memory. Join Anthony William, the Medical Medium, for this eye opening podcast, where he shares unique, original, advanced medical information decades ahead of science and research, that millions all around the world are already using to heal, and overcome chronic illness. MORE ON CELERY’S MAGNIFICENT MINERAL SALTS. (It doesn’t always take both factors to cause inflammation; for example, if you break your leg and it swells up, that’s solely an injury. Always seek the advice of your healthcare provider with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. Do not confuse wild blueberries with their larger, cultivated cous.. - Consuming a diet high in fat, thickens your blood and can make it so viruses, heavy metals, and other toxins are unable to be cleansed from the liver and body, perpetuating your brain fog. Spinach, romaine, green leaf lettuce, red leaf lettuce, butter lettuce, and mâche are also excellent healing foods that are loaded with mineral salts. It can become a struggle and even a fight for someone with symptoms to get through everyday life. All the neurons in the brain are highly sensitive and allergic to neurotoxins; when neurotoxins enter the brain, they weaken neurons, and can short-circuit neurotransmitters, leading to brain fog symptoms. Sadly, the popular, incorrect autoimmune theory holds people responsible for their sickness. Nothing contained in or accessible from this blog should be considered to be medical advice, diagnosis, treatment, or prescribing, or a promise of benefits, claim of cure, legal warranty, or guarantee of results to be achieved. Vitamin B12 is a water-soluble vitamin that is naturally present in some foods, added to others, and available as a dietary supplement and a prescription medication. Why is it so beneficial that celery juice strengthens hydrochloric acid in your gut? When fat and sugar are consumed together, insulin resistance can occur. The Fruit Picking Meditation is for anyone who does not have access to picking fruit, whether that is because of the time of year, or other circumstances. Science has not yet deconstructed or studied these cluster salts. Reconnecting with fruit picking is like reconnecting to your soul’s very existence, and can help you find your way and live your life freely. Please cite back to this original source so others have the opportunity to recover and get their lives back. For glucose, bring in more bananas, papayas, raspberries, blackberries, mangoes, apples, pears, dates, apricots, peaches, sweet potatoes, butternut squash, yams, or regular potatoes. Low-grade strep infections are often the actual cause of urinary tract infections (UTIs), chronic sinus infections, acne, IBS, and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), though at this time medical communities aren’t aware that strep infections are involved in these conditions. Celery also improves methylation, that is, the proper absorption and utilization of hundreds of nutrients, including B12 and zinc. Vitamin B12—2.4 mcg (micrograms) each day. If you suffer from a thyroid condition, take note: celery has the ability to cleanse the thyroid of toxins and bolster production of the thyroid hormone T3. Some people struggle with digesting food because they actually feel it move through the gut all the way to the colon. Medical Medium Raw Garlic Therapy is a very helpful tool to help fight off colds, flus, bacteria, and viruses and is especially effective to use right away at the first signs of getting sick... - Consult with a licensed healthcare professional before altering or discontinuing any current medications, treatment or care, or starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, or if you have or suspect you might have a health condition that requires medical attention. * If you find the taste of straight celery juice too strong, you can juice one cucumber and/or one apple with the celery. We may say, “I just had a big carb meal” instead of the truth, which is, “I just put a ton of fat on top of my poor potato.” It is the combination of putting fat and carbs together that is troublesome for the body. The capacity of vitamin C to influence the methylation status of DNA and histones in mammalian cells supports a role for the vitamin in health and disease beyond what was previously understood, in particular by safeguarding genome integrity .. Role in immunity. The sweet potatoes can be batch baked in advance so you have enough for a week ahead... - How do you battle an invisible invader that instills so much fear in people, and can worsen health symptoms and conditions? Electrical impulses can’t easily find their way through this area of the emotional center of the brain and neurotransmitters become weakened and diminish. As we go through life, we lose a connection to our very own soul; it becomes confined from all we experience, from hardships, betrayal, broken trust, losses, and the struggles of others that are around us. Licorice root: lowers EBV production and strengthens the adrenals and kidneys. Media - Blog - Medical Medium Books Potatoes have been picked on for being a harmful food for diabetics because many people believe potatoes drive up A1C levels. Home - Medical Medium Podcast - 012 B12 Trick-or-Treat: You Don't Get It From Meat by Medical Medium published on 2020-10-19T06:20:16Z 011 Apple Cider Vinegar: Teeth Dissolver by Medical Medium The mineral salts specifically in celery are instrumental in the electricity that governs the body—they’re building blocks for neurotransmitter chemicals, they ignite electrical impulse activity, and they support neuron function. This meditation is also for those who feel trapped or limited by their chronic illness or debilitating symptoms, or who are stuck on mattress island or couch island, and feel their life passing by, unable to do the activities and life events that their friends and family are doing with ease. 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